
Useful Applications

This list contains the most useful apps that I have installed on my system.


  1. Syncthing: Open source sync solutions that allows syncing of file/ folders. Download

  2. Localsend: Open source airdrop replacement to send file on local network. Download Install Script brew install --cask localsend

  3. Bitwarden: Open source password manager. Can be used as a browser extension. Github, Download Install Script brew install bitwarden


  1. Obsidian: Obsidian allows taking note using markdown. It has varieties of plugins that can tweak obisidian to your liking. Download

  2. Raycast: Spotlight alternative for Mac with tons of plugins and customizations. Download

  3. AltTab: OpenSource alternative for customizing the alt tabbing. Download Github

  4. Batfi: Battery limiter to extend battery health of Mac. Download

  5. Ice: Open source menu bar manager to hide unwanted icons from the menu bar. Github, Website. Install Script brew install jordanbaird-ice

  6. Stats: Open source system monitor for the menu bar. Github, Download. Install Script brew install stats


  1. Ghostty: Open source terminal emulator. Download Github

  2. Termius: Gui SSH Client for ssh vault. Download

  3. UTM: Open source virtualization software. Download

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